November 4, 2024
Hello and welcome to Zoom Zoom Drawing Club! As always, you are free to draw whatever you like, in any style you please.
If you’re looking for some prompts, here are six photos I took last week during my mom’s visit to New York City.
(Click on each image to see a larger version.)
American Beautyberry, found at Wave Hill.
Under the Horse-Chestnut Tree, by Mary Cassatt. On view at MoMA.
The Arms of Friendship, by Gillie and Marc, in front of World Trade Centre Oculus.
Horse going to work, near Central Park.
Dinosaur, by Iván Argote, on the High Line (30th St and 10th Ave).
I don't know the name of the artwork, but it's by the German artist Thomas Schütte. Currently on view at MoMA (6th floor).
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